Friday, November 20, 2015

Getting Wrapped up in Python

On the news that Google released their AI TensorFlow w/ interface in Python, I'm getting myself wrapped up in Python. I will share what I learn. For now:

Go Download Python and run through this training

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Getting Groovy with Grails

How to get on with your Groovy Grails IDE:

Download and install JDK 7
Last I knew, Java8 doesn't jive with Grails 2.4.4 which comes with GGTS

Download and install GGTS (which is Groovy/Grails for Eclipse)

Once installed you should configure GGTS to use your newly installed Java7. Open GGTS > click window > Preferences > Java > Configure to point to your JDK (C:\Program Files \ Java \ JDK1.7.45 [or where ever you just installed])

Follow this link for an easy-to-follow Grails Project tutorial.

Monday, November 2, 2015

Grails findAllBy Method

Home with a sick kid today, figured I could cobble together a video and a blog post. I am writing this one-handed, with a sick kid on my lap, watching PJ Masks, truly a great day. See video for a demo of the findAllBy method. You can use this method to create a pared down list, is passed from URL. Kind of a cool method you may end up using on the reg.

GGTS 3.6.4 and Grails 2.4.4

Walk thru: 
  1. Start by creating a new project named lameProj
  2. Then create a domain class FavColor.groovy
package lameproj

class FavColor {
     String name
     String favColor

    static constraints = {

   3.  Then generate-all lameproj.FavColor
   4.  Copy views >favcolor > index.gsp
   5.  Paste and rename to youtube.gsp
   6.  Add below code to favColorController.groovy

     def youtube(Integer max) {
          params.max = Math.min(max ?: 10, 100)
          def somelist = FavColor.findAllByFavColor(
          respond FavColor.list(params), model:[favColorInstanceCount: FavColor.count(), somelist:somelist]

   7.  Edit youtube.gsp to use ${somelist}, about line 34

<g:each in="${somelist}" status="i" var="favColorInstance">

   8.  Launch you app, add some values, ensure the favorite color entries are exact. Test your youtube method with this link: http://localhost:8080/lameProj/favColor/youtube/Blue

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Grails App Deployed To RedHat OpenShift

Hi folks, quick one today... may go into detail in another post but I’m using this one to shamelessly plug an app I just launched.

This Custom Map Application is running on Red Hat OpenShift. I was turned on to this service after searching for an inexpensive TomCat server. OpenShift is Red Hat’s cloud-based Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS). They give you three Gears (3 app platforms) including database services, ALL FOR FREE!! Pardon my yelling, I want to scream it from the top of a mountain. If I get big I plan on using the paid service that gives you more bandwidth, storage, usage, oh and support. Like I said maybe I make a quick how-to but think this write-up is adequate for launching a Grails app (start on Step-6).

Brass tax tips / my memory aides:
  • From Terminal: rhc create-app <app name> tomcat-7
  • Terminal: rhc git-clone <app name>
  • Terminal:git rm -rf src/ pom.xml 
  • Terminal: git commit -am "deleted default stuff"
  • GGTS: create ROOT.war (apparently caps is important): war ROOT.war
  • Finder: copy ROOT.war, to the webapps folder of the cloned Git
  • Terminal: from the root of your cloned git (not webapps):  git add .
  • Terminal:  git commit -am "put the war up there"
  • Terminal:  git push

Until next time.

Monday, October 5, 2015

Grails Security Core and Security UI Walk thru

Getting started with Grails Spring Security Core and Spring Security UI    

These are two separate plug-ins with volumes of somewhat readable documentation here and here. See this YouTube video that provides a walk-thru using below syntax.

First things first: Start a new project

Installing Security Core:

1)     Open conf > BuildConfig.groovy
2)     Add      compile ":spring-security-core:2.0-RC5"    to the plugins area
3)     Refresh dependencies by ALT+G R  //this installs  the security core
4)     Open the command history
Type:        s2-quickstart com.domain.auth User Role     
                  At this point you have Role, User, and UserRole domain classes

Configuring Security Core:

1)     Go to the bottom of config.groovy, you should see some configuration lines for spring security. This is where we define which roles have access to specific pages. We will get into roles in the Configuring Spring Security UI section.

2)     Add the following above staticRules:      
grails.plugin.springsecurity.logout.postOnly = false// allows logout to work
3)     Add the following to your staticRules:
                                     '/dbconsole/**':  ['ROLE_ADMIN'],
         '/plugins/**':     ['ROLE_USER']

4)  Open bootstrap.groovy and do this:

import com.domain.auth.*
class BootStrap {
      def init = { servletContext ->
            def adminRole = Role.findOrSaveWhere(authority:'ROLE_ADMIN')
            def user = User.findOrSaveWhere(username:'admin',password:'password')

      def destroy = {

Installing Spring Security UI:

1)     Open conf > BuildConfig.groovy
2)     Add      compile ":spring-security-ui:1.0-RC2"      to the plugins area
3)     Refresh dependencies by ALT+G R  //this installs  the security UI

Configuring Spring Security UI

1)     Open config.grooy and add additional configuration to staticRules

'/user/**':     ['ROLE_ADMIN'],
'/role/**':     ['ROLE_ADMIN'],
'/securityInfo/**':     ['ROLE_ADMIN'],
'/registationCode/**':     ['ROLE_ADMIN'],

2)     Run your app (note this is the first time running your app)

It’s time to create another role, and add a few users, using the Security UI. We will use the admin account we bootstrapped to create the other users and roles. If you want your users to stick around in the database you should open dataSource.groovy and set your dev environment to ‘”update”’ and remove the mem: tag.

3)     Click on your User Controller, (all controller code can found within the plugins directory )
4)     Add ROLE_USER give this role to your admin account
5)     Experiment with the UI

Now go build your app!!

PS: Some Useful Customizations

If you don’t want to use the staticRules area or want to override some security you can use the @Secured tag above each method(). See below.

import grails.plugin.springsecurity.annotation.Secured  ///don’t forget to import this

      @Secured ('ROLE_ADMIN'//talking about this
      def yourMethod() {
            Your method code  

      @Secured ('ROLE_USER')
      def yourOtherMethod() {
         Your method code  

Who’s logged in? Paste this into the bottom of views > layouts > main.gsp  (above </body>)

            <div id='loginLinkContainer'>
                        Logged in as <sec:username /> (<g:link controller='logout'>Logout</g:link>)
                        <g:link controller='login'>Login</g:link>

                              Resume as <sec:switchedUserOriginalUsername />


Syntax in views for current user:    <sec:username />

Syntax in controllers for current user is a little more complicated:   
def springSecurityService // first you have to define the service
springSecurityService.getCurrentUser()  // then you can reference it

If you customize your User domain class, you will also want to customize your User create UI form: 
                  Plugins > spring-security-ui > views > user > create.gsp and edit.gsp

The UI also has user registration and forgot password configuration that we did not use. 

This is an example of controller code that limits current user to the index view:

def springSecurityService // you have to put this someplace in your controller once!

def index() {
def user = User.findByUsername(  //sends only user related address to view
def loggedInUser = springSecurityService.getCurrentUser();
if (user == loggedInUser) {   //user matches loggedInUser
user : user ]
else {

That's all folks.